Development =========== Notes for developers of ``geoextent``. Environment ----------- All commands in this file assume you work in a virtual environment created with virtualenvwrapper_ as follows (please keep up to date!): .. _virtualenvwrapper: :: # pip install virtualenvwrapper # Add to .bashrc: # export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs # source ~/.local/bin/ # Where are my virtual envs stored? # echo $WORKON_HOME # Create environment using Python 3 #mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) geoextent # Activate env workon geoextent # Deactivate env deactivate #cdvirtualenv #rmvirtualenv Required packages ----------------- In the environment created above, run :: pip install -r requirements.txt Install a matching version of gdal-python into the virtual environment: :: gdal-config --version CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal pip install gdal==`gdal-config --version` For the installation to suceed you need the following system packages (on Debian/Ubuntu): - ``libproj-dev`` - ``libgdal-dev`` - ``libgeos-dev`` - ``gdal-bin`` Run tests --------- To install development requirements, run :: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt Either install the lib and run ``pytest``, or run ``python -m pytest``. You can also run individual files: :: pytest pytest tests/ Documentation ------------- The documentation is based on Sphinx_. The source files can be found in the directory ``docs/`` and the rendered online documentation is at Build documentation locally ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: cd docs/ pip install -r requirements-docs.txt make html Build documentation website ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The deployed documentation website is built on Travis CI, see file ``.travis.yml`` for details. In short, an extra stage ``build docs`` is executed only on the ``master`` branch and not for pull requests. .. _Sphinx: Release ------- Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Required tools: - ``setuptools`` - ``wheel`` - ``twine`` :: pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine Run tests ^^^^^^^^^ Make sure that all tests work locally by running :: pytest and check the tests on `Travis CI o2r-project/geoextent`_ before continuing with the following tasks. .. _`Travis CI o2r-project/geoextent`: Bump version for release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Follow the `Semantic Versioning specification`_ to clearly mark changes as a new major version, minor changes, or patches. The version number is centrally managed in the file ``geoextent/``. .. _Semantic Versioning specification: Update changelog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Update the changelog in file ``docs/source/changelog.rst``, use the `sphinx-issues`_ syntax for referring to pull requests and contributors for changes where appropriate. .. _sphinx-issues: Update citation and authors information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Make sure the following files have the current information (version, commit, contributors, dates, ...): - ``CITATION.cff``, see - ``codemeta.json``, see - ```` and ``docs/source/index.rst``, the "How to cite" sections. Build distribution archive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See the PyPI documentation on generating a distribution archive,, for details. :: # remove previous releases and builds rm dist/* rm -rf build *.egg-info python3 sdist bdist_wheel Upload to test repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First upload to the test repository and check everything is in order. :: # upload with twine, make sure only one wheel is in dist/ twine upload --repository-url dist/* Check if the information on is correct. Then switch to a new Python environment or use a Python 3 container to get an "empty" setup. Install geoextent from TestPyPI and ensure the package is functional: :: docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/tests/testdata/:/testdata python:3-buster /bin/bash # install system deps apt-get update apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev libproj-dev libgeos-dev libspatialite-dev netcdf-bin # # Package dependencies (from regular PyPI), not all are on TestPyPI pip install -r requirements.txt pip install pygdal==`gdal-config --version`.* pip install -i geoextent geoextent --help geoextent --version geoextent -b -t /testdata/geojson/muenster_ring_zeit.geojson geoextent -b -t /testdata/shapefile/gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1.shp Alternatively, use Debian Testing container to try out a more recent version of GDAL which matches the current release of the GDAL package on PyPI: :: docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/tests/testdata/:/testdata debian:testing # Python + PIP apt-get update apt-get install python3 python3-pip wget # System dependencies apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev libproj-dev libgeos-dev # Package dependencies (from regular PyPI) pip install -r requirements.txt pip install pygdal==`gdal-config --version`.* pip install -i geoextent geoextent --help geoextent --version wget geoextent -b wf_100m_klas.tif Upload to PyPI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: twine upload dist/* Check if information on is all correct. Install the library from PyPI into a new environment, e.g., by reusing the container session from above, and check that everything works. Add tag ^^^^^^^ Add a version tag to the commit of the release and push it to the main repository. Go to GitHub and create a new release by using the "Draft a new release" button and using the just pushed tag. Releases are automatically stored on Zenodo - double-check that the release is also available on Zenodo