Re - init (overwrite) current package configuration
containerit_write_config(config = .getDefaultConfig(), output = file.path(find.package("containerit"), "inst/containerit_config.json"))
config | The configuration object to be written |
output | Path or connection to write the configuration to |
#> { #> "external_libs": { #> "gdal": { #> "name": ["gdal"], #> "apt_pkgs": ["gdal-bin"], #> "installation_config": [ #> { #> "supported_versions": ["1.10.0", "1.10.1", "1.11.0", "1.11.1", "1.11.2", "1.11.3", "1.11.4", "1.11.5", "2.0.0", "2.0.1", "2.0.2", "2.0.3", "2.1.0", "2.1.1", "2.1.2", "2.1.3"], #> "instructions_template": ["list(Workdir(\"/tmp/gdal\"), Run_shell(c(\"wget http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/[VERSION]/gdal-[VERSION].tar.gz\", ", " \"tar zxf gdal-[VERSION].tar.gz\", \"cd gdal-[VERSION]\", \"./configure\", ", " \"make\", \"make install\", \"ldconfig\", \"rm -r /tmp/gdal\")))"], #> "require_apt": ["make", "wget"] #> } #> ] #> }, #> "proj.4": { #> "name": ["proj.4"], #> "apt_pkgs": ["libproj-dev"], #> "installation_config": [ #> { #> "supported_versions": ["4.4.0", "4.4.1", "4.4.2", "4.4.3", "4.4.4", "4.4.5", "4.4.6", "4.4.7", "4.4.8", "4.4.9", "4.5.0", "4.6.0", "4.6.1", "4.7.0", "4.8.0", "4.9.0RC1", "4.9.0RC2", "4.9.0b2", "4.9.1", "4.9.1RC1", "4.9.1RC2", "4.9.1RC3", "4.9.1RC4", "4.9.2", "4.9.2", "4.9.2RC1", "4.9.2RC1", "4.9.2RC2", "4.9.2RC2", "4.9.3", "4.9.3", "4.9.3RC1", "4.9.3RC1", "4.9.3RC2", "4.9.3RC2", "4.9.3RC3", "4.9.3RC3"], #> "instructions_template": ["list(Workdir(\"/tmp/proj\"), Run_shell(c(\"wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-[VERSION].tar.gz\", ", " \"tar zxf proj-[VERSION].tar.gz\", \"cd proj-[VERSION]\", \"./configure\", ", " \"make\", \"make install\", \"ldconfig\", \"rm -r /tmp/proj\")))"], #> "require_apt": ["make", "wget"] #> } #> ] #> } #> } #> } #> INFO [2019-08-20 16:43:56] Config file written to 3 . Please reload package or restart session.# NOT RUN { #developers may want to initialize the default config with: containerit:::containerit_write_config(output = "inst/containerit_config.json") # }