đź“– Theses

The following o2r thesis topics are open, ongoing, or have been completed in the context of o2r. Please contact o2r.projekt@uni-muenster.de if you are a student (ifgi BSc, ifgi MSc, MSc GeoTech, computer science @ WWU, …) interested in one of the open topics or in helping to solve other important challenges of scholarly publishing and scholarly communication.


MSc & BSc


Cite this page as "đź“– Theses" (2019) in Opening Reproducible Research: a research project website and blog. Daniel NĂĽst, Marc Schutzeichel, Markus Konkol (eds). Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1485437

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Except where otherwise noted site content created by the o2r project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.