User guide: ERC template

If you want to create an ERC for your research already at the beginning, and not “post-hoc” after your research is complete, these templates can hopefully help. They are divided into specific domains to be more concrete.

Geoscience research in R

Files in this template

  • use RMarkdown, this is the main document
  • erc.yml is template for the ERC configuration file with placeholders for all required fields
  • Dockerfile is a template Dockerfile with some commands you can re-use to make sure all packages and tools that you need are installed

Header template

The yaml header of the file is the right place to enter your meta information right away from the start: Fill out the metadata fields, included in the template, as early in your personal workflow as possible and keep them up-to-date to prepare for the ERC creation progress. The metadata extractor of the o2r service will collect and prefer information from RMarkdown document headers.

title: "The title of your publication: with a colon"
  - name: Your Name
    affiliation: Your affiliation
    orcid: Your ORCID
  - name: "Your co-author's name"
    affiliation: Their affiliation
    orcid: Their ORCID
abstract: |
  A concise description of your publication
keywords: [lorem, ipsum, dolor, sit, amet]
date: 2017-01-13
# use SÜDX identifiers, see
  text: CC-BY-4.0
  code: GPL-2.0-or-later
  data: "public domain"

Filename | Template | ERC-Spec ------ | ------ | ------ | | Geoscience research in R | V.1