Opening Reproducible Research at EGU General Assembly 2016
08 Apr 2016 | By Daniel Nüst Next week the largest European geosciences conference of the year will take place in Vienna: the European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2016. It takes place in the Austria Center Vienna for a full week and expects to welcome over thirteen thousand scientists from all over the world. A vast variety of research across all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences will be presented in a meeting programme featuring workshops, lectures, talks, and posters.
One of the participants will be o2r team member Edzer Pebesma (@edzerpebesma and
Edzer presents our abstract “Opening Reproducible Research” in the poster session ESSI3.4 Open Access to Research Data and Public Sector Information towards Open Science The session takes places on Thursday, April 21st, from 17:30 to 19:00 in Hall A. Make sure to drop by and get a glance at our first plans and the many other talks and poster presentations in this session.
We look forward to the discussions about reproducible research and to get feedback about the project.