Opening Reproducible Research at EGU General Assembly 2017
04 May 2017 | By Daniel NüstLast week the largest European geosciences conference of the year took place in Vienna: the European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2017.
o2r took part by co-organising a workshop on reproducible research and co-convening the session IE2.4/ESSI3.10 Open Data, Reproducible Research, and Open Science.
o2r team member Daniel Nüst presented the abstract “Executable research compendia in geoscience research infrastructures” (download poster) and supported Marius Appel and Edzer Pebesma in their work on “Reproducible Earth observation analytics: challenges, ideas, and a study case on containerized land use change detection” (download poster) in the ESSI3.10’s poster session.
It was a great experience tomeet fellow scientists interested in, and worried about, reproducibility of scholarly works. We got useful feedback on our practical work and are encouraged again to continue spreading the word on the general topic of reproducibility alongside our research.
Poster in EGU17 final session is ready for business. Come to X4.123 at 17:00 and talk #openscience #reproduciblersearch Survey going well!
— o2r (@o2r_project) April 28, 2017