# http://www.budgetshippingcontainers.co.uk/info/
# how-many-shipping-containers-are-there-in-the-world/
containers <- c(23000000,14000000,6000000)
names.arg = c("in service", "ex-service", "new"),
col = sample(colors(), 3),
main = paste0(
format(sum(containers), scientific = FALSE),
" containers in the world")
title: "Capacity of container ships in seaborne trade from 1980 to 2016 (in million dwt)*"
author: "Daniel Nüst"
date: "2017"
output: html_document
```{r plot, echo=FALSE}
data <- c("1980" = 11, "1985" = 20, "1990" = 26, "1995" = 44,
"2000" = 64, "2005" = 98, "2010" = 169, "2014" = 216,
"2015" = 228, "2016" = 244)
barplot(data, ylab = "Capacity", sub = "© Statista 2017")
> This statistic portrays the capacity of the world container ship fleet from 1980 through 2016. In 2016, the world merchant container ship fleet had a capacity of around 244 million metric tons deadweight. As of January 2016, there were 5,239 container ships in the world's merchant fleet ([source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/264024/number-of-merchant-ships-worldwide-by-type/)).
Sources: UNCTAD; Clarkson Research Services, via [statista](https://www.statista.com/statistics/267603/capacity-of-container-ships-in-the-global-seaborne-trade/).