Why PDFs are not suitable for communicating (geo)scientific results

In 2016, Dottori et al. published a paper about a flood damage model. The model calculates the damage costs caused by a flood event, e.g., for repairing buildings or cleaning. This model is based on a number of parameters, such as flow velocity and flood duration. In the paper, the authors discuss a scenario in which a flood has a velocity of 2m/s and a duration of 24 hours. The resulting damage costs are shown in a figure and also alternative values are discussed in the text. This is where the paper format, i.e. a PDF file, is limited. A mere format change does not help - a static HTML rendering has the same issues. Describing within the article text how changes to the parameter set affect the damage costs might be possible possible but is surely a daunting and time-consuming task. Authors need to find the right words to briefly describe these changes, and readers need to imagine how the results change

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4+1 quick incentives of open reproducible research

A few months ago, o2r team member Markus published the article “In-depth examination of spatiotemporal figures in open reproducible research” in the journal Cartography and Geographic Information science. Our goal was to identify a set of concrete incentives for authors to publish open reproducible research, and for readers to engage with it. Based on semi-structured interviews, a focus group discussion, and an online survey with geoscientists, we summarised the incentives in a four-step workflow for readers who work with scientific papers (see figure below). Let’s see what these four workflow steps are who their +1 is

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Reproducible Research and Geospatial Badges at AGILE 2019 conference in Limassol

Last week o2r team member Daniel went to Asia (or not?) to help a European conference with the transformation towards reproducible research. How?

The 2019 edition of the annual conference of the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe’s (AGILE) took place in Limassol, Cyprus. It was excellently organised at the Cyprus University of Technology and consisted of a pre-conference day of workshops and three days of talks and posters across the full breadth of GI Science.

On the first day, Daniel contributed to the organisation of the third workshop in the “Reproducible Research @ AGILE” series of workshops. Adjusting the scope of the workshop after the first two iterations, the participants

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o2r2 @ Conquaire Workshop

Now that we have two more years to work on open reproducible research (see our last blog post), there is also some space for an exchange with related projects and to explore potential new collaborations. We were thus very happy to receive an invitation from the Conquaire project at the University of Bielefeld for the workshop on data quality and reproducibility (03.04.2019). Conquaire started about the same time as o2r and strives for similar goals, i.e. assisting scholars in making their research results reproducible and reusable. The workshop was located at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in a very nice room that looked a bit like the United Nations headquarter - so it was good practice for the bigger goals we have in mind.


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano gave the first talk of the day. He presented

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o2r2 - Putting ERC into practice

The o2r project’s journey continues.

o2r2 logo On April 1st 2019 the o2r team started into a new phase (“o2r2”). In the next 30 months we plan to put our prototypes to the test with real articles, of course not without considerably improving them beforehand.

As detailed in the University of Münster’s press releases (English, German), we are

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Except where otherwise noted site content created by the o2r project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.