03 Feb 2020 | Daniel Nüst
Ten months ago, we announced that the o2r team received funding for a second project phase.
Today we publish our project proposal on the University of Münster’s institutional repository MIAMI: https://doi.org/10.17879/42149626934 (urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-42149629066)
We hope this publication of our proposal serves several purposes: it…
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21 Oct 2019 | Markus Konkol
Claudia Vitolo from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) had the brilliant idea to host a workshop about building reproducible workflows for earth sciences. It is not surprising that weather forecasts strongly depend on computational analyses, statistics, and data. Wait! Isn’t this exactly what o2r addresses? Well observed, that is certainly correct. For this reason, we were very happy to receive an invitation from Claudia for giving a keynote. But let’s start from the beginning…
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15 Oct 2019 | Daniel Nüst, Tom Niers
Data and software are crucial components of research.
They go well beyond the workflows one would call Data Science today. Only openly available building blocks can ensure transparency, reproducibility, and reusability of computer-based research outputs.
More and more researchers rely on small or large datasets and use analysis tools to analyse variables, create figures, and derive conclusions.
That is why the project Opening Reproducible Research (o2r) implements the concept of the Executable Research Compendium (ERC) to capture all bits and pieces underlying a research article.
In a pilot study, we plan to connect the Open Journal Systems (OJS) with the ERC.
On the one hand this connection enables submission, review, and publishing of research compendia and ERC.
On the other hand while it leverages the publishing capabilities and workflow management of OJS.
We will implement this integration in form of an OJS plug-in so it becomes readily available for all maintainers of OJS instances…
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11 Oct 2019 | Daniel Nüst
Markus Konkol successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Publishing Reproducible Geoscientific Papers: Status quo, benefits, and opportunities”, today Friday Oct 11 at the Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi) at University of Münster (WWU).
🎉 Congratulations Markus on completing this important step in your career! 🥂
Dr. rer. nat. Markus Konkol is pictured with his Mentor Prof. Dr. Christian Kray and the examination committee: Jun. Prof. Dr. Judith Verstegen, Prof. Dr. Edzer Pebesma, Prof. Dr. Carsten Kessler and Prof. Dr. Harald Strauß.
Markus has been a core o2r team member since the project’s start in January 2016.
He lead…
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10 Sep 2019 | Daniel Nüst, Markus Konkol
This week, the o2r team was on tour.
We put our o2r tasks aside for a few days to interact with and contribute to the awesome Open Science/publishing/research community.
Markus and Daniel were two of the fortunate few who…
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